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The Legislative Branch of government and is composed of six elected council members. All legislative authority is vested in the Board. city council is responsible for establishing city policies, passing ordinances, and a yearly budget.
Form of Government
The mayor-council form plan is the most prevalent form of city government throughout the united states and IN kentucky. it is comprised of an elected executive, who is the mayor and an elected legislative body called the city council. Krs 83a.130(2) and krs 83a.030(1)
The principal function of the Mayor is to oversee the management of the city’s daily affairs. to make and execute all bonds, notes, contracts, administer oaths, and written obligations authorized by the council.
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All ordinances that have been passed and published by the City Council and codified are available for viewing at the clerk’s office in the code of ordinances book. Ordinances not yet codified can be viewed on website by clicking here.