Steve Bailey Chasity Caldwell
Elected to Office: November, 2020, November 2022 Elected to Office: November, 2022
Email: Steve Bailey Email: Chasity Caldwell
Jason Pruitt Mike Lankford
Elected to Office: November, 2020 Appointed to Office: October, 2021
Email: Jason Pruitt Re-elected to Office: November, 2022
Email: Mike Lankford
Tim Simpson Drew Reynolds
Elected to Office: November, 2022 Appointed to Office: November 2023
Email: Tim Simpson Email: Drew Reynolds
The City Council is comprised of six (6) elected or appointed officials who are responsible for enacting all codes, rules, and regulations for the general public’s health, safety, and welfare. KRS 83A.130(2).
The City Council provides sufficient revenue to operate city government through the adoption of an annual budget ordinance, by levying all taxes, and establishing all fees and charges for city services. KRS 83A.130(12).